Our South East Asia Projects

While work continues on our first pilot clinic in the Philippines, we're in the process of securing ground for a second build. To follow the progress of this project and anticipated dates for completion, please use the time line below. Additional resources for this project are displayed below the timeline.

Project Status


Commencement Date

August 2023

Completion Date

April 2024

Clinic Floor Area

442 SQM

Property Area

2000 SQM


Ligao City, Albay Province, Luzon

Building Permit Number

Awaiting Issue

Funding Status

Secured, in completion

Estimated Building Cost (PHP)

Estimated Building Cost (USD)

6, 180, 000

130,000, 00

Project Architect

J&R Architects

July 2023

Identifying an ASN

In May of 2023 we decided it was time to pursue the construction of a large primary clinic in Ligao, Albay, to serve a larger area rather than establishing 3 different sites. Availability of ground suitable to the project influenced placement and while due care was given to identifying a suitable ASN, a compromise was reached to accommodate the required size of the clinic, which will house shared resources between itself and other local clinics.

July 2023

Identifying an ASN

September 2023

Property is secured

After weeks of scouring the areas we'd identified as ASN's, and numerous failed viewings (legally owned and titled, unencumbered ground is not easy to find in the Philippines) we finally identified a 4000 sqm lot that would provide the space needed for construction, offered easy access, was visible to the passing public, and in easy reach by public transport from a number of areas and adjacent towns. An offer to purchase was accepted and our fundraising team set about securing funding for the project to commence.

September 2023

Property is secured

October 2023

Building commences

After a successful round of fundraising and the subsequent purchase of the property building immediately commenced on a storage unit and site office. The completed unit (Dec 2023) will serve as an out clinic site for local healthcare workers on completion of the main clinic. It has been designed for longevity and easy conversion. The services of an architect were engaged to prepare plans' for the main clinic, to comprise 800 sqm of floor space and incorporate three consultation suites, two delivery rooms, an ultrasound room and a fully equipped laboratory and cafeteria for patients and family.

October 2023

Building commences

Ground Floor

Ground Floor layout for the second of three clinics in Ligao, covering an area of 220 sq.m. Bigger than our conventional model, this clinic will house a laboratory for blood work, in addition to upper floor offices.

Upper Floor

The Upper Floor layout for the Ligao clinic covering an area of 220 sq.m. This section houses the birthing rooms, laboratory and administration.


Infant stillborn every 16 seconds


Mother dies in childbirth every 2 minutes


are preventable with proper care