Roadmap North America

Our North American Project

Why America? The answer is complex, as America suffers from a broken health care system that is by its very nature discriminatory. Where third world countries cannot access care because none exists, many Americans cannot access care because it has become unaffordable. Like their third world counterparts, women bear the brunt of this discrimanatory health system.

Project Status


Commencement Date

March 2023

Completion Date

As yet unknown


To be confirmed

Estimated Building Cost (USD)


Project Lead

Kellie Lease Stecher, MD

Project Architect

To be appointed

March 2023

Appointment of Advisory Board

Dr Kellie Lease Stecher is appointed as Chair of our U.S. Advisory Board, Given that our clinical care model has been developed for and deployed in third world countries, the Advisory Board's first order of business is establishing the viability of the model for the U.S. market and what changes will be required to establish successful clinics in rural populations across the US. A list of recommendations from the this board will enable us to evaluate the viability of expanding our model into the U.S. market

March 2023

Appointment of Advisory Board

Ground Floor

Please note that these are merely our standard template plans and the correct designs will be displayed on commencement of the project

Upper Floor

Please note that these are merely our standard template plans and the correct designs will be displayed on commencement of the project


Infant stillborn every 16 seconds


Mother dies in childbirth every 2 minutes


are preventable with proper care