Our Donors

Donors & Donor Partners

Expressing our Gratitude

When you donate money to our projects you are literally paying for the bricks, mortar and equipment our doctors rely on to save lives and deliver care to the impoverished communities we serve. We ackowledge your generosity in a number of ways

On our Website

No good deed should go unrewarded. While we can acknowledge all our donors on social media, it simply isn't feasible on the website. Donations in excess of $500 are listed on our Donor page. If you'd prefer to remain anonymous, simply select that option on the donation form or let us know via email.

On our Social Media

We love every single one of you and to say thank, we send shout- outs on social media to say a heartfelt thank you to each of our donors. We don't mention amounts, just your name, and if you'd prefer to remain anonymous, simply select that option on the donation form and mum's the word.

On our Clinics

When our donors have a direct connection to the people in an area we serve, they may often choose to donate a significant amount directly toward the building or upkeep of that specific site. We welcome these donations and acknowledge donations in excess of $10,000 by name with a plaque at the clinics entrance.