We set out with one goal. To save the lives of mothers and newborn in indigent communities with high levels of infant and maternal mortality. To achieve this at scale, a new and radical approach would be required, one that enabled the delivery of care in a self-sustaining way that could be easily replicated and digitally supported. This led to the creation of our Clinic Model, a solution we believe will alter the ability of healthcare to reach and affect the health of women across the globe..
To learn more about the processes involved, how our clinics become self sufficient, and the rationale that underlines the structure of this model, read on. All our projects begin with the identification of an ASN
Help us to provide care to these mothers and their newborns by clicking on the link and donating. Your generosity helps power our vision and provides the essential resources to continue building clinics and providing care, We are also thrilled to accept donations of medicl equipment and consumables.